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Global Oral Health Workforce Survey: Understanding the Landscape


May 8, 2024

The Oral Health Working Group (OHWG) of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) in collaboration with the International Federation of Dental Hygienists and the Seoul National University Global Maternal and Child Oral Health Center has launched a groundbreaking initiative. They have kicked off a global oral health workforce survey aimed at understanding the various types of oral health workforces and their functions worldwide.

What is the aim of this project?

The project’s primary objective is to explore and visually represent oral health workforce models, innovative approaches, and challenges on a global scale. By doing so, it is hoped that the survey will provide a comprehensive understanding of the global oral health workforce landscape.

How can you help?

We invite oral health professionals from across the globe to participate in this survey. Your valuable input will enable us to gather crucial information about the oral health workforce in your country. The survey will be open until May 26, and we encourage you to share the survey link with your colleagues and networks.

Your privacy matters:

All individual information collected in this survey (name, affiliation, email) will be strictly confidential and not disclosed to third parties. Only country-level data will be identified when sharing the results, along with other workforce questionnaire data.

How can you participate?

To participate in the survey, please click on the following link: Global Oral Health Workforce Survey

For further inquiries:

Should you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Hyewon Lee at hyewonlee@snu.ac.kr

Please spread the word:

Your participation and help in sharing this survey link with others who can provide important information about the oral health workforce in their country are highly appreciated.

Thank you for your participation and support in advancing global oral health workforce research!